miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

My Trip to Mexico

Hello again, I know that I had a time forgotten, but I'm back. I tell you that I went to see my son, Jose Orlando, is 14 and lives with his father, so after 1 year and some months I was not veil a week with him. On this trip I've noticed is no longer a small child who is already a teenager, with friends, with a "life" actually there ... child is a super healthy, feeling good and very affectionate, and say that it is taller than me, measuring 1.75 cm and I again reminded him when he was born, and I was wondering .. Where was this child who will change their diapers? where was that child who would not let me sleep at night?, I think that child is only in my photos, in my mind and in my memories, now is a real man.

I am very proud to have the son I have. Thank you my love for me exist and grow with you.

I love you very much.

With love .. Mom.

1 comentario:

  1. Que guapa y feliz se te ve Vane...me alegro mucho, seguro que lo pasaste genial y tu hijo es un hombrecito ya y muy guapo !! XDDDD
